Public documents
Memorandum of understanding
Avalanche danger scale
Avalanche danger scale
Dry Snow Conditions
Avalanche danger scale
Wet Snow Conditions
Avalanche danger scale
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Avalanche problems
Avalanche problems
optional avalanche problems
EAWS Matrix
Information pyramid
Meetings & conferences
The 21th Conference of the European Avalanche Warning Services (EAWS) takes place in Davos from 15th – 17th June 2022. The first online conference of the European Avalanche Warning Services (EAWS) took place from 15th – 16th June 2021. The 20th Conference of the European Avalanche Warning Services (EAWS) takes place in Oslo from 12th – 14th June 2019. The TAB meeting discussed the plans for the working the Working Groups, as well as other TAB issues. Also the matters of avalanche problems, communication and new avalanche size scale were discussed. The 19th Conference of the European Avalanche Warning Services (EAWS) was held in Tutzing from 12th – 15th June 2017. The TAB consists of several working groups tackling the topics given to the TAB by the General Assembly (GA) of EAWS. The goal is to prepare as efficiently as possible the decisions to be made by the forthcoming General Assembly to be held in Munich in mid-2017. From now on the working group calls itself the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The TAB consists of several working groups tackling the topics given to the TAB by the General Assembly (GA) of EAWS. The 18th meeting of European Avalanche Warning Services took place in Rome from 4 to 7 June 2015.31. December 2021
EAWS Conference Davos, 06/2022
13. December 2021
EAWS online conference Davos, 06/2021
11. May 2019
EAWS Conference Oslo, 06/2019
31. October 2017
EAWS TAB-Meeting Innsbruck, 10/2017
30. June 2017
EAWS Conference Tutzing, 06/2017
30. November 2016
EAWS TAB-Meeting Munich, 11/2016
31. May 2016
EAWS TAB-Meeting Munich, 05/2016
30. June 2015
EAWS Conference Rome, 06/2015